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Light Emerges From Darkness


Light Emerges From Darkness

[This article was originally published at:, on 29.10.2023]  

Rabbi Allen S. Maller

On October 27, 1978, only five years after Egypt started the Yom Kippur War with a surprised attack on Israel, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin were named winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for their progress toward achieving a Middle East accord. The Yom Kippur War was followed six years later by a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel. Could the same process follow the defeat of Hamas in the Hamas-Israel War?

Although it might seem impossible now, I do believe that within a decade or two Muslims will visit Jerusalem and pray together with Jews as Prophet Isaiah states: “And the foreigners who join themselves to the (monotheistic one) Lord, to minister to him, to love the name of the Lord, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast to my covenant, these I will bring to my holy mountain (Zion), and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” (Isaiah 56:6-7)

In 2011 the “Arab Spring” filled most of the world with great hopes. Now, twelve years later, the near east is filled with with increasing conflict, anxiety, fear, darkness and despair. According to a world-wide poll for Reuters then (May 2, 2012) “nearly 15 percent of people worldwide believe the world will end during their lifetime”. That number is surely much higher by now.

In response to the pain and suffering of the past few weeks, we all long to be blessed. We long to be safe, to be at peace, and to feel joy. And maybe even more so, we long for the ability to bless others. We desperately want to care for each other, to keep those around us safe. And we wish, like Abraham, that we could bestow blessings neat and far throughout the world. There is so much pain, so many fires in need of divine attention. With Prophet Abraham as our model, we must each strive to be bestowers of divine blessings and kindness.

The fires raging right now may seem too overwhelming to expect to find God in them. But while we cannot ignore the pain, darkness and fear, we will be overwhelmed if we only look at the threat of Armageddon.

We need to balance our moral outrage by looking for the charity, kindness and beauty in our world. Whether through prayer and good deeds, through art and song, through family and community, or wherever you find kindness, remember; even a world that is on fire cannot put out God’s light.

As Dr. Mohamed Chtatou, a Professor at a university in Rabat, Morocco says: “After the current (Hamas-Israel) war, Israel’s ultra-nationalist coalition will undoubtedly be undermined by public opinion, and probably by a commission of inquiry. If the Palestinian Authority were to agree to take over Gaza – backed by the international reconstruction aid that would inevitably arrive – and if a centrist coalition government were to emerge in Israel, everything would once again be possible. Two difficult “ifs”? Perhaps, but there is no serious alternative.”

The Qur’an refers to Prophet Abraham as a community or a nation: “Abraham was a nation/community [Ummah]; dutiful to God, a monotheist [hanif], not one of the polytheists.” (16:120) If Prophet Abraham is an Ummah; then fighting between the descendants of Prophets Ishmael and Isaac is a civil war and should always be avoided. And prior to the 20th century Arabs and Jews never did make war with each other.

Even the surprise attack by Egypt and Syria of the Yom Kippur War was followed six years later by a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel. Could the same process follow the defeat of Hamas in the Hamas-Israel War?

If all Arabs and Jews can live up to the ideal that ‘the descendants of Abraham’s sons should never make war against each other’ is the will of God; we will help fulfill the 2700 year old vision of Prophet Isaiah: “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt, and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel  will join a three-party alliance with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing upon the heart. The LORD of Hosts will bless them saying, “Blessed be Egypt My people, Assyria My handiwork, and Israel My inheritance.”…(Isaiah 19:23-5)

Then the words of the Qur’an will be for-filled “From the depths of Darkness into the Light; for Allah is very kind and merciful to you.” (Qur’an 57:9)


[Whose biographical details can also be found at]

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